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Sutter OB Handle. Knurled non-slip grip. Made from high quality carbon steel, chrome plated. (L 4") ..
The finest available. Stainless steel, heavy-duty obstetrical chain assists in the delivery of calves. Easy to clean and convenient to use ..
Krey Hook. This double-action obstetric hook will bite into part of the foetus in the process of doing an embryotomy. Should the instrument slip, the hooks will close automatically and prevent injury. Stainless steel. Length, 20cm. ..
This product allows you to guide obstetrical wire around any tight or difficult location on the fetus ..
Stainless Steel OB Chains – Finest quality in stainless steel. Moore's OB Chain Handle (also stainless) sold separately. Handles should be purchased in pairs to use properly with extractors ...
Hook handle aids in the use of obstetrical chain. Handle is a superior quality veterinary instrument. Nickel plated...
“A forceps of somewhat similar pattern (to Chapman) but having a different kind of lock may well have been the instrument employed by Dr Walker (?1740), the last survivor of Dr Peter Chamberlen’s obstetric progeny”. Note the lack of pelvic curve. A similar pair are in the Edinburgh Obstetric Museum as reference on P 108 of Das’ “Obstetric Forceps”...
Placenta Ovum Forceps and Abortion Scoop Scalp Flap Forceps, Perforators and Elevating Spoons Obstetrical Forceps Cranioclast, Hook and Cord Clamps ...